A club meeting was held at 7:30pm on 2 July 2019 at the Canberra Labor Club, Weston.


Phil Lyng, Tao Zou, Alistair Dickie, Alex Boiko, Phil Dieckmann, Gerry Mason, Kevin Beavan, Ash Gosili, Campbell Blackburn, Elieen Abood, Ken Crowe, Peter Ellis, Johnathan Bishop, Anthony Willing, Rene Sedlmaier, Wes Kilham, Rachel Twomey, Peter Kupsovsky, Dug Malcolm, Alex Chapman, Michael Hately

Apologies: Jason McGregor

Items from the ACTHPA Committee Meeting

Purchase of porosity tester: Under active consideration. Al Dickie suggested equipment of this kind be donated to a club member for safe keeping and maintenance.

Club Challenge: Commencing. Talk to Rene to add your name as a participant

Site Issues: Phil Robinson wanting to continue improvements to Spring Hill launch. Truck driver required. Anthony Willing indicated he has a truck license

Club Shirt: Also under active consideration. Rene proposes a long sleeve shirt with thumb holes, with an image rather than the club logo. Plan is it should be cost neutral.

SO Training: Kari Ellis and Johnno Bishop have organized to do safety officer training with Al Dickie.

HG proposal for a dolly: HG pilots are investigating further.

Club Meeting minutes

Proposed they be “sanitized” and put on FB.

Use of Radios

Club members urged to carry radios and use them at our sites. Not a mandatory requirement, but strongly encouraged.

Election of new Committee Member

Rene proposed that the club add a new committee member to be known as the Site Development Officer. Doug Mathie nominated and duly elected by a show of hands.

Club fees

Al Dickie indicated that club fees have been reduced from $55 to $50 in line with NSW. Early renewal of SAFA membership is from 15 July to 15 August. This brings with it a $15 saving. A further $15 can be discounted if a member elects to receive SkySailor in electronic form.


Eagle Award

Eagle went to Phil Lyng who flew from Tolmin in Slovenia to the Italian border and return. Phil also had a flight to 4000 metres in Austria.

Novice Award

Novice award went to Alex Boiko who flew for 4 hours and 13 minutes in one flight at Spring Hill

FARK Award

FARK went to Wes Kilham for landing in the venture at Spring and becoming tangled in thistles. Thanks to Phil Robinson for assisting with the thistle removal.

Other contender was Alex Chapman who draped his wing in a small tree while top landing at Lake George and who was dragged twice at his home while ground handling, both times contacting a fence.

Lessons: Don’t try landing in the venturi when the wind is still strong and always retain situational awareness.

Hike and Fly Discussion

Good discussion on potential hike and fly sites around Canberra, especially in the Brindabellas. Some exploratory work has been done and contact made with ACT Parks.